A Balanced and Happy Sequence
5 Readings, Poems and Quotes to Melt your Heart
Top tunes for an inspired and energised practice
Healthy Treats for January
Overindulged at Christmas? A nourishing yin yoga practice for stomach and spleen
Five steps for Beating the January Blues
Under the Weather
Niyama - inner observances & attitudes
Yama! How do we conduct ourselves?
Feeling Frazzled? 5 postures for relaxation
The Eightfold Path of Yoga
Yoga for Strength & Balance
My favourite music for yoga practice
Seized up after your walk or run? 5 great yoga poses to provide a release
Yoga Props… Support for your own self-practice
Feeling anxious? Yoga can help
Inspired to create! Yoga Props & Design
Why do people practice yoga?
Bloated? 3 yoga poses in 15 minutes to help you feel more comfortable
Scented candles… is it worth paying more?